Digital Transformation Academy

Basics of  Bharat Innovating Video Contest

The Bharat Innovating Video Contest is your platform to showcase unique talents, inspire others, and contribute to a brighter future. Join us in celebrating the spirit of innovation and making your mark on tomorrow

               Spotlight your
​                 Bharat innovating Video Contest !

Over the years, students from Digital Transformation Academy member campuses across North America have impressed us with their innovative and exceptionally creative short videos about their campus systems. These videos always resonate with our community, and the unveiling of the winning entries at our CampusEnergy conference is a key highlight.

Most importantly, these outstanding videos serve as unique opportunities to showcase the impact of digital transformation on communities and campuses worldwide.

Beyond the accolades, these outstanding videos play a crucial role in demonstrating the profound impact of digital transformation. They offer unique opportunities to promote the value of digital innovation, influencing how communities and campuses across the globe embrace and implement cutting-edge solutions.

Basics of Video Contest

  • 🎥 Create Your Video: Entrants will produce a video, five minutes or less, highlighting their theam, with a central focus on the role of Bharat Innovating & MSME Organisations.
  • 📺 Feature on YouTube: Digital Transformation Academy will publish your video on our YouTube page, offering global exposure for your innovative ideas.
  • 🌐 Promote Your Video: After publication, entrants will be encouraged to promote their video across their institution’s and personal social media channels. Points will be awarded to those who garner the most likes, comments, and engagement from followers, colleagues, and friends.
  • 🏆 Evaluation by Experts: A select Student Video Evaluation Committee, comprising senior   Digital Transformation Academy members, will review submissions. Videos will be ranked based on content, message, quality, and social media engagement.
  • 🎖️ Win Big: The committee will select a Grand Prize winner, along with second and third place awardees. The three winners will be publicly announced at Digital Transformation Academy.

Selection Process

📊 Primary Selection Criteria

  • 📚 Content

    • 🎓 Educational and Informative: Focus on delivering content that is both educational and insightful about campus energy systems.
  • 💬 Message

    • 📢 Power and Clarity: Ensure your message is strong and clear, effectively communicating the role of district energy.
    • 🎯 Effective Communication: Convey the content in a way that resonates with the audience and enhances understanding.
  • 🎥 Quality

    • 🌟 Originality and Creativity: Bring a fresh, innovative perspective to your video, showcasing unique ideas and approaches.
    • 🎬 Production Quality: Maintain high production standards, including visuals, sound, and overall presentation.

📈 Secondary Selection Criteria

  • 🌐 Social Media Campaign
    • 👍 YouTube Engagement: The number of “likes” your video receives on the IDEA YouTube page will contribute to your score.
    • 📣 Broader Social Media Impact: Increase engagement on other platforms to drive traffic to your YouTube video, showcasing your ability to spread awareness about district energy and its importance in campus sustainability.


• The student(s) who created the winning video will receive $1000 and paid airfare + lodging to attend CampusEnergy2024 in San Francisco, where you will have the opportunity to meet with members of the IDEA Board of Directors and key business leaders in the District Energy Industry.
• The Facilities or Utilities department of the entrant’s institution will receive 1 free conference registration and paid lodging for up to 4 nights to attend the IDEA2024 Annual Conference in Orlando, FL.
• The entrant’s College/University will receive public recognition from IDEA through social media and a formal press release for their commitment to reliable, economic, efficient and environmentally sound means of heating, cooling and powering their campuses.

Turning your dreams into reality


• The student(s) who created the second place video will receive $500.
• The entrant’s College/University will receive public recognition from IDEA through social media for their commitment to reliable, economic, efficient and environmentally sound means of heating, cooling and powering their campuses.


• The student(s) who created the third place video will receive $250.
• The entrant’s College/University will receive public recognition from IDEA through social media for their commitment to reliable, economic, efficient and environmentally sound means of heating, cooling and powering their campus.