Digital Transformation Academy

Tech Career Growth in 2020: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, or Big Data?

20.05.24 08:38 AM Comment(s) By info

In today's technology-driven society, several tech trends provide promising career opportunities. Among these, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data stand out. Here’s an overview to help you understand these fields and choose the best career path for you.


Data Science: The Dominant Force

Data Science has become a critical field across various industries. It encompasses data cleansing, mining, preparation, and analysis. Data Science leverages AI in its operations but is not entirely synonymous with it. Here’s a closer look at its relationship with AI and Big Data.


Data Science vs. Artificial Intelligence

Scope and Process: Data Science involves preprocessing, analysis, and prediction. AI focuses on implementing predictive models to forecast future events.

Techniques: Data Science uses statistical techniques, whereas AI relies on algorithms.

Purpose: Data Science uncovers hidden patterns in data. AI aims to provide autonomy to data models.

Data Science vs. Big Data

Focus: Data Science applies machine learning algorithms to data, while Big Data focuses on handling and analyzing large datasets.

Organizational Impact: Big Data improves efficiency and competitiveness by processing large volumes of raw data. Data Science offers methods to understand and utilize Big Data effectively.

Characteristics: Big Data is defined by volume, variety, and velocity (3Vs). Data Science provides techniques to analyze data characterized by these 3Vs.

Big Data and AI: Powering Modern Technology

Big Data and AI are pivotal in the digital age. AI has been around for over a decade, while Big Data emerged more recently. Together, they empower machine learning and are considered crucial by data scientists.


Choosing the Right Career Path

Considering the differences and overlaps between these fields, Data Science currently offers the most trending career opportunities. However, specializing in AI and machine learning can also lead to numerous career options.



Each of these domains—Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data—has its unique scope, advantages, and limitations. Success in any of these fields depends on learning, application, and continuous practice. Whether you choose Data Science for its comprehensive approach, AI for its predictive power, or Big Data for its ability to handle vast datasets, the key is to stay informed and keep evolving with the technology.


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