Digital Transformation Academy

Change and online success in education dissemination during Covid-19

20.08.20 08:51 AM Comment(s) By User Account

Nelson Mandela said,  “EDUCATION IS THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON WHICH YOU CAN USE TO CHANGE THE WORLD" this is absolutely correct but if the whole world become helpless to giving wings to the students in the form of education, so how can these student change the world. 

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Education is more than just studying chapters or concepts; it is about imparting knowledge that can be used for personal growth and the betterment of society. It has the transformative power to shape individuals into compassionate and empathetic human beings who not only think about themselves but also consider the well-being of others.
One of the key aspects of education is its ability to instill critical thinking skills in individuals. Through education, individuals learn to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. This critical thinking ability is crucial for personal growth as it enables individuals to navigate complex situations and challenges effectively.
Education plays a vital role in fostering empathy and understanding towards others. By learning about different cultures, perspectives, and experiences, individuals develop a broader worldview and are more likely to empathize with others. This empathy is essential for building strong and harmonious communities where individuals respect and appreciate diversity.

Education also equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to contribute meaningfully to society. Whether through their profession, volunteer work, or advocacy, educated individuals have the tools to make a positive impact and drive positive change in their communities.Education is a powerful tool for personal empowerment. It opens doors to opportunities and allows individuals to pursue their passions and interests. It provides them with the skills and confidence to overcome challenges and achieve their goals, leading to a sense of fulfillment and self-actualization.

It is much more than just acquiring knowledge; it is about personal growth, empathy, empowerment, and social responsibility. It has the power to transform individuals into thoughtful and compassionate human beings who can contribute positively to society. As such, investing in education is not only an investment in individuals but also in the betterment of society as a whole.

Now, the whole world is facing tough time due to SARS-CoV-2. Millions of people have been affected and more than half a million of people lost their lives and no one knows when it will end. Everything even our  lives are  at risk. In fact, everything; our jobs, our education, our financial stability and our standard of living is at high risk. Most of job aspirants are still unemployed and those who were working have now lost their jobs due to current economic depression.

The future of every nation that is STUDENTS are facing a very deep halt in their studies. For, they can not go to their respective schools/institute/colleges to continue their studies. Due to this their studies are getting affected. As we all have to adapt to this situation, giving them online classes or guidance is our only option. With this,  their studies are getting less affected also they can now study without any risk of getting affected by the virus or bad break. All the education boards reduced the syllabus and discontinued the physical classes. This step is good in some ways as well as bad in some ways. If one sees the good aspects of this step then, it includes continuation of studies, technical advancement, gaining of knowledge easily. This is usually in a comfortable, convenient and safe environment and it is less time consuming. However,  the bad aspects of online classes is that it includes lack of feedback, lack of face to face communication.  Further, the  instructor requires to focus on theory rather than practicals. Another drawback is that  the teacher can’t monitor the student. Swell and so isn’t able to determine whether students are understanding the concept or not. As India is a developing nation everyone doesn’t have access to Wi-Fi or good internet connection. Some of us can’t afford this facility at our homes so this is one of the biggest hindrance for a student but for every problem there is a solution, also everything have both positive and negative sides but the side we are looking at  is what matters the most, so we can not scrutinize the negative aspect only.

This virus is acting like a wall between the success of a nation and the future of the students and everything has become unpredictable, students who were planning to study further, now they can’t anticipate when they can proceed further. Online classes reduces the hindrance of discontinuation of on going studies but what about those who are preparing for competitive exams! Date of the entrance exam keeps on postponing and no one know when it will be finalized. So government and education boards must this into consideration and should try to reduce the hindrances of the student.


In light of new situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional approaches to education have been challenged, leading to the need for innovative solutions. One such solution is online education, which has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional classroom learning, ensuring that students' education is not hampered in any way.

Online education offers several benefits that make it well-suited for addressing the challenges posed by new situations. Firstly, it provides flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and schedule. This is particularly beneficial in situations where physical classrooms may not be accessible or safe, such as during a pandemic. It breaks down geographical barriers, enabling students to access high-quality education from anywhere in the world. This not only expands educational opportunities but also promotes a more inclusive learning environment, where students from diverse backgrounds can learn together.

It encourages the use of technology in learning, which is a valuable skill in today's digital world. By incorporating technology into their education, students develop digital literacy skills that are essential for success in the modern workforce.
Online education can be more cost-effective than traditional classroom learning, as it eliminates the need for expenses such as commuting, accommodation, and physical learning materials. This makes education more accessible to a wider range of students, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Introducing online education is an effective way to ensure that students' education is not hampered in new situations. By providing flexibility, breaking down geographical barriers, promoting digital literacy, and being cost-effective, online education offers a valuable alternative to traditional classroom learning, ensuring that students can continue learning and thriving in any situation.

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