Digital Transformation Academy

Learn Digital Marketing Online for Just  ₹ 1!

22.05.24 08:40 PM Comment(s) By User Account

The world is digital, and learning digital marketing is essential for everyone. A premier organization is offering the following modules for just INR 1:

About Globsyn Business School Online: Globsyn Business School Online, India's only Corporate B-School, is a global platform for digital learning. With over 20 years of pioneering experience, it has launched an engaging online platform for vital business management concepts.


  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing
  2. Search Engine Optimization
  3. Website Analytics
  4. Search Engine Marketing
  5. Content Marketing
  6. Social Media Marketing
  7. Planning Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns

Make the most of this offer and thrive even during lockdowns. #StartLearningNow at Globsyn Business School Online. 

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