Digital Transformation Academy

Learn Video Marketing with IDM

01.03.21 06:03 AM Comment(s) By User Account

Learn Video Marketing with IDM

Have you ever wondered how to make videos that people love to watch? Or how to use videos to tell stories and sell products? If so, you're in the right place! IDM (Institute of Digital Marketing) is offering a special course all about video marketing. It's going to be super fun and you'll learn a lot!

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is using videos to promote a product, service, or brand. It's like making a movie, but instead of telling a story, you're trying to get people excited about something. Videos can be used on social media, websites, and even in ads.

Why is Video Marketing Important?

Video marketing is important because people love watching videos. They're more likely to remember a video than a text ad or a picture. Videos can also be shared easily on social media, which helps spread the word about your product or brand.

What Will You Learn in the IDM Video Marketing Course?

In this course, you'll learn all about how to make great videos for marketing. You'll learn how to come up with ideas for videos, how to film them, and how to edit them. You'll also learn about different types of videos, like explainer videos, product demos, and testimonials.

Who is IDM?

IDM is a school that teaches people all about digital marketing. They have courses on everything from social media to search engine optimization. IDM is run by experts in the field of digital marketing, so you know you're learning from the best.

 What Will You Do in the Course?

In this course, you'll do all kinds of fun and exciting activities. You'll watch examples of great video marketing and talk about what makes them work. You'll also get to work in teams to come up with your own video marketing ideas. And you'll even get to film and edit your own videos!

Who Should Take the Course?

This course is perfect for anyone who's interested in video marketing, whether you're a student, a business owner, or just someone who loves making videos. If you want to learn how to use videos to promote your ideas, products, or brand, this course is for you.


Video marketing is a powerful tool for telling stories and selling products. With the IDM Video Marketing course, you'll learn how to make videos that people love to watch and share. You'll also get to work with a team of experts and other students who share your passion for video and marketing. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start learning how to make videos that make a difference!

Checklist for the IDM Video Marketing Course

Here's a simple checklist of what you'll learn in the course:

1. What is video marketing and why is it important?

2. Different types of videos for marketing

3. How to come up with ideas for videos

4. How to film and edit videos

5. Examples of great video marketing and what makes them work

6. Teamwork to come up with your own video marketing ideas

7. Filming and editing your own videos

Video marketing is a powerful tool for telling stories and selling products. With the IDM Video Marketing course, you'll learn how to make videos that people love to watch and share. You'll also get to work with a team of experts and other students who share your passion for video and marketing. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start learning how to make videos that make a difference!

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