Digital Transformation Academy

AI is entering all domains and in Local/Regional Languages too.

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      Now, we see AI everywhere, even in the the vernacular space. provides an AI-based voice automation platform.


                                               Embracing AI for Superior Customer Experience: The Vernacular Revolution

In today's fast-paced business landscape, delivering exceptional customer service is pivotal for success. As companies strive to cater to the diverse needs of their clientele, the rise ofartificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies has paved the way for a remarkable transformation – the vernacular revolution., a pioneering AI-driven platform, has harnessed the power of speech recognition and natural language understanding (NLU) to revolutionize customer engagement. By leveraging cutting-edge AI and NLP capabilities, has unlocked the potential to deliver personalized, localized experiences to customers across India, transcending language barriers.

The Power of Vernacular AI

One of the most significant challenges businesses face in India is the linguistic diversity of their customer base. With numerous regional languages and dialects, providing consistent and effective customer service can be daunting. However, has developed a robust platform that boasts an impressive accuracy rate of up to 95%, enabling seamless communication in local languages.

Co-Founder and CEO of, Sourabh Gupta, aptly stated, "The result is that one can deliver higher customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores for our clients compared to the previous human agent-only model."

Enhancing Customer Experience through AI's AI-driven solution offers businesses two game-changing capabilities:

  1. Call Center Automation: By leveraging AI and NLP, automates repetitive customer queries, reducing the need for human intervention. This not only improves efficiency but also ensures consistent and accurate responses, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  2. Voice Assistant for Apps: With the integration of voice assistants into mobile applications, businesses can now offer truly localized experiences. Customers can interact with apps using their preferred language, streamlining the user journey and fostering a deeper connection with the brand.

Revolutionizing Customer Engagement

The advent of's AI-powered platform has unlocked unprecedented opportunities for businesses to connect with their customers on a deeper level. By embracing the vernacular revolution, companies can now:

  • Communicate effectively in local languages, breaking down language barriers and fostering inclusivity.
  • Enhance customer satisfaction by providing personalized, localized experiences.
  • Reduce operational costs by up to 80% through efficient call center automation.
  • Increase customer loyalty and brand affinity by demonstrating a genuine understanding of cultural nuances.

Embracing the Future of Customer Service

As the world continues to evolve, businesses must adapt and embrace cutting-edge technologies to remain competitive. The vernacular revolution, powered by AI and NLP, represents a significant leap forward in customer service excellence. By empowering companies to communicate effectively in local languages, is paving the way for a future where every customer feels understood, valued, and truly connected with the brands they interact with.

In the words of Sourabh Gupta, "The world has changed, should we not change too and grow further?" Embracing the vernacular revolution is not just a strategic business decision; it is a commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences that transcend language barriers and foster lasting relationships.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, delivering exceptional customer service is pivotal for success. As companies strive to cater to the diverse needs of their clientele, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies has paved the way for a remarkable transformation – the vernacular revolution., a pioneering AI-driven platform, has harnessed the power of speech recognition and natural language understanding (NLU) to revolutionize customer engagement. By leveraging cutting-edge AI and NLP capabilities, has unlocked the potential to deliver personalized, localized experiences to customers across India, transcending language barriers.

**The Power of Vernacular AI**

One of the most significant challenges businesses face in India is the linguistic diversity of their customer base. With numerous regional languages and dialects, providing consistent and effective customer service can be daunting. However, has developed a robust platform that boasts an impressive accuracy rate of up to 95%, enabling seamless communication in local languages.

Co-Founder and CEO of, Sourabh Gupta, aptly stated, "The result is that one can deliver higher customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores for our clients compared to the previous human agent-only model."

**Enhancing Customer Experience through AI**'s AI-driven solution offers businesses two game-changing capabilities:

1. **Call Center Automation**: By leveraging AI and NLP, automates repetitive customer queries, reducing the need for human intervention. This not only improves efficiency but also ensures consistent and accurate responses, enhancing the overall customer experience.

2. **Voice Assistant for Apps**: With the integration of voice assistants into mobile applications, businesses can now offer truly localized experiences. Customers can interact with apps using their preferred language, streamlining the user journey and fostering a deeper connection with the brand.

**Revolutionizing Customer Engagement**

The advent of's AI-powered platform has unlocked unprecedented opportunities for businesses to connect with their customers on a deeper level. By embracing the vernacular revolution, companies can now:

- Communicate effectively in local languages, breaking down language barriers and fostering inclusivity.

- Enhance customer satisfaction by providing personalized, localized experiences. 

- Reduce operational costs by up to 80% through efficient call center automation.

- Increase customer loyalty and brand affinity by demonstrating a genuine understanding of cultural nuances.

**Embracing the Future of Customer Service**

As the world continues to evolve, businesses must adapt and embrace cutting-edge technologies to remain competitive. The vernacular revolution, powered by AI and NLP, represents a significant leap forward in customer service excellence. By empowering companies to communicate effectively in local languages, is paving the way for a future where every customer feels understood, valued, and truly connected with the brands they interact with.

In the words of Sourabh Gupta, "The world has changed, should we not change too and grow further?" Embracing the vernacular revolution is not just a strategic business decision; it is a commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences that transcend language barriers and foster lasting relationships.


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