Digital Transformation Academy

Becoming influencers in digital marketing and marching to success

17.09.20 06:55 AM Comment(s) By User Account

Marketing is a huge challenge for all in most businesses which is why many people do compromise on it. This is where digital marketing can step in and make a huge difference. We teach everyone how to do this using the following steps which is why we are proud to be recognized as thought leaders.


Digital marketing is truly democratic as it benefits businesses of all sizes by giving access to the mass market at an affordable price.

Not only does it make it possible to do mass marketing, it allows people to do personalised marketing also. One can address people by their names and know what they like as well through their choices. This is what is making it the marketing choice of the new generation.

To do this effectively, we suggest the following

1. Do not put eggs in too many baskets
This is a mistake that many  business owners make – trying to do everything at once with little prior experience. Some people set up 10 social media accounts, set up a PPC campaign set up a rigorous blogging schedule about a topic that which has not been properly researched into yet.
In fact, the worst mistake a new business owner can make is trying to manage too many new social media accounts all at once.
Too many business owners try to do everything at once and fall flat on their faces. We need not be one of them for sure. 

2. Let us find our place in social media

As a new business owner, one’s aim should be to find one’s own  place on social media. This means that in the beginning you should focus only on, at the most, a few social media platforms that one is already feeling comfortable with, one should note how many interactions one is getting. For example, if Instagram isn’t giving us any engagement, then move on and focus on the platform that does!

The aim here is to find the social media platforms that gives the highest level of interactions (likes, shares and comments).We need to find out where most of our audience is and post on those platforms consistently to build up a loyal social media following. This is why we have introduced a course on content marketing.

3. Influencer Marketing  

Influencer marketing is quite new in the realm of digital marketing tips. In fact, most people have probably never heard of it. And for the ones who have, they’re probably going about it the wrong way. Still, influencer marketing can be a very powerful tool when wielded correctly.
So what exactly is influencer marketing? Simply put, it means that instead of marketing to your target audience directly, you pay or inspire influential people in the niche one is in to get the word out. When it comes to social media users, influencers are basically the strongest referrals that one’s business can get.
Influencer marketing is especially effective on millennials as they are influenced by the recommendations of their peers in making buying decisions.  So, one should always keep a lookout for potential future influencers in one’s niche. 

4. Don’t underestimate having an email list 

An email list is probably one of the most valuable and responsive assets one can have. The points to note are it is -
Valuable – It has been found that customers who purchase products through email spend 138% more! 
Responsive – according to a recent study,  email subscribers are 3 times more likely to share content on social media
Further, unlike our social media followers and fans, we own our email marketing list.

5. The 80-20 Rule for content

The 80-20 rule means that 80% of your success will come from 20% of our efforts. This rule applies to just about everything, including one’s content. The content can be created in a variety of different mediums.

For example: videos, webinars, blog posts, infographics and so on.
Quite simply, 80% of our content should communicate VALUE, and 20% of it should be focused on promotions. Valuable content means content that’s unique, fresh, timely, relevant, and solves real problems for our  target audience. This is what our course seeks to address.
The fact is, one’s success will come from 20% of your efforts, but that other 80% is necessary to drive it!
If we aren’t convinced about the value of creating useful content, then  we could take a moment to reflect on the fact that businesses with blogs receive 67% more leads than businesses without blogs. Other benefits of having a blog include:
Getting more targeted traffic.
Adding a human element to your brand. This helps in building trust and loyalty with your customers.
Further, this is a very cost effective medium to set up.

6. Know how to build SEO

Every business owner has heard about SEO.
Still, many of them shy away from it because they think it’s complicated and too time consuming.
While both of these things may be true, SEO is still the best way to drive traffic to your website.
Even something as simple as the business name can influence one’s ranking in the search engine.

7. Learn to use paid advertising
As we said earlier, many small business owners spend too much of their working capital on PPC.
A mistake often make is to expect to turn cold prospects into immediate buyers. Instead, bring we need to bring them in first, and then convert them into buyers later.
The mistake is to confuse “more traffic” with “more sales.” Instead, we could follow these simple steps:
Create a relevant and compelling offer. For example, a newsletter or a free eBook.
Create great website content.
Create targeted PPC ads to get people to one’s site.

8. Enhance the user’s experience

Enhancing user experience (UX) will be the glue that holds each of our strategies together.The following are popular ways to do this.
Creating great content on the site.
Using good communication channels.

As we teach all of this, we are happy to have been recognised as as a Global Thought-Leader and influencer in Edtech by Thinkers 360, a portal that helps solve some of the current issues in the thought leadership “industry”.


Today, the thought leadership ecosystem is highly-fragmented and often closed to most outsiders. Once a specialized art, practiced by a few, thought leadership is now a widespread discipline practiced by many – beyond the current 1% that the “industry” currently serves.

Many upcoming thought leaders and experts aren’t yet social media stars, celebrity authors, influencers or speakers, but are leading authorities in their fields. Both established and emerging thought leaders need new ways to measure their expertise – looking beyond influence – and a platform to advance their audience and impact.

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