Digital Transformation Academy


Blog tagged as digital_transformation

The digital world is available for all of us to step into. The reach is global so one can display all our skills to everyone all over the world with dexterity. Convert a challenge to an opportunity, during and post the covid.

The amazing this is that we can indeed move forward with our skills without...
20.05.24 05:05 AM - Comment(s)
Showcase your digitally , SMART skills with India while it marches towards a 5Trillion Economy

In the digital era, take part in a creative social media contest, that is made of many creative contest ideas. This is an online contest 2020 that also makes you win prizes and showcase the digital India of...
20.05.24 03:50 AM - Comment(s)
Boost performance with an evolved mindset of growing business digitally using our tips!

Digital transformation means using technology to make work and life better. It brings many benefits and helps us stay ahead in a fast-changing world. By facing challenges and getting ready for the future, we can keep improving and creating new things.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transforma...

20.05.24 03:45 AM - Comment(s)

Nothing ever comes without effort. The process in any area is understanding and then moving on the right path. The same is true for digital transformation too. Let us begin doing this now.

What really is digital transformation? This is a transformation that is comprehensive and holistic. It covers ma...

20.05.24 03:36 AM - Comment(s)

The fancy little Internet of the past has become the biggest force in business today, powerful enough to topple regimes. What was a luxury has become a necessity. 

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The total Internet user base in India is estimated to cross 700 million by 2020; that’s almost two...

24.09.20 01:50 PM - Comment(s)

Trust is extremely important for customers to come to us. This is of course always necessary but more so in the digital age, as the customer cannot see us so do feel a little confused at times.

Image Source

Ensuring the trustworthiness of your online store is paramount, with secu...
21.09.20 09:24 AM - Comment(s)

Marketing is a huge challenge for all in most businesses which is why many people do compromise on it. This is where digital marketing can step in and make a huge difference. We teach everyone how to do this using the following steps which is why we are proud to be recognized as thought leaders.

17.09.20 06:55 AM - Comment(s)
Microsoft Products and Services

Microsoft has a profound impact on the tech industry, with many of its services being integral parts of our daily lives. For programmers, GitHub is a go-to platform for collaborating on code, managing projects, and sharing code repositories. LinkedIn, a professional ne...
06.09.20 07:26 PM - Comment(s)

Video marketing tools are now an important part of marketing because of the power of videos for content marketing.

In today's digital age, the power of images in conveying messages cannot be overstated. Images have the ability to captivate, engage, and evoke emotions in ways that text alone cannot. W...
21.08.20 10:06 AM - Comment(s)
Create a Customer Avatar in 5 Steps | And move to success and growth
In the realm of business and marketing, understanding your target audience is paramount to achieving success and sustainable growth. One powerful tool that can help you tailor your strategies effectively is creating a customer avatar. A customer avatar, also known as a buyer persona, is a detailed p...
16.07.20 09:07 AM - Comment(s)