Digital Transformation Academy

How do we achieve stupendous business growth for ourselves in the digital era?

20.05.24 03:36 AM Comment(s) By User Account

Nothing ever comes without effort. The process in any area is understanding and then moving on the right path. The same is true for digital transformation too. Let us begin doing this now.

What really is digital transformation? This is a transformation that is comprehensive and holistic. It covers many processes, interactions, transactions, technological evolutions, changes, internal and external factors, industries, and so forth.

Digital transformation is an ongoing journey. Change takes time, especially a profound change that influences all aspects of a business.

Digital transformation requires the right leadership and people. This change is often more about the people involved and affected by it than it is about the technology.

Digital transformation is NOT just about technology. Successful digital transformations do not begin with technology. Instead, they focus on overhauling the organization with a customer-focused goal in mind.

While this may seem straightforward, it is not all that simple.

Many are on the path to digital transformation but have many details to take care of.

What’s Standing in the Way of Digital Transformation?

Currently, a lack of appropriately skilled personnel ranks in the top five obstacles to digital transformation, reported by 39% of organizations.

Right now, 63% of businesses plan to improve their ‘online customer experience’ and only 26% are ‘completely ready’ to execute digital strategies. (Accenture Digital).

We may assume there is a wealth of digital talent out there. The fact however is that, being familiar with using technology does not equate to having the skills and knowledge needed to leverage it and apply digital thinking in business.

While upskilling and training can go a long way for enabling new skills, the problem is, it isn’t easy to define what skills are most needed for digital transformation.

Companies must look form a long term strategy aiming to foster a digital culture that encourages continuous learning or get left behind.

There needs to be  vision for remaining at the forefront of digital practices and processes, regardless of what industry they are in.

One would need to clarify the vision, set goals to reach it, and give our whole team a purpose. Without s strategy and purpose, we may find it difficult to sustain our efforts.

There are always going to be challenges to any large-scale change initiative, and that’s to be expected. However, coordinated efforts across an enterprise towards consistency, shared planning, economies of scale, and a common data model can lead to much better results.

Essentially, digital transformation is necessary for any business looking to grow and stay ahead of the competition in today’s market because let’s face it, your customers have higher expectations. They do demand a more seamless digital experience than ever before. This is fortunately possible as the digital world is extremely democratic.

Let us all aim to thrive with a well drafted and executed digital process soon. For otherwise, we may be left behind. All we need is a firm will and passion.

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