Digital Transformation Academy


Blog categorized as AI

In today's world, artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. We see it in our smartphones, computers, and even our homes. AI helps us do many things, from finding information online to playing our favorite music. But how do humans and AI work together? Right now, we use AI to help us with specific ...

20.05.24 03:01 AM - Comment(s)

"As AI continues to revolutionize the IT industry, concerns about the future of programming jobs abound. But are these fears justified?"

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked a debate about its potential impact on the workforce, particularly in the field of programming. There...
11.05.24 10:11 AM - Comment(s)

       The Lion City's Upskilling Strategy: How Singapore is Retooling its 

      The Lion City's Upskilling Strategy: How Singapore is Preparing Workers for the AI Era

      Singapore, a country known for being very smart and innovative, is getting ready for a big change called Artificial Intelligence (AI). ...
11.04.24 06:22 PM - Comment(s)
 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Engineering Education: A Cause for Concern or Catalyst for Change?
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Engineering Education: A Cause for Concern or Catalyst for Change?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like a super smart computer that can do things on its own. It's changing how we learn and teach engineering. But is this change a problem or a way to make things...
11.04.24 06:21 PM - Comment(s)


Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Edu...

06.08.20 01:58 PM - Comment(s)


What are The Role of AI In learning?

Whether it is business, IT firms, monetary services or maybe education, AI (AI) is being integrated into numerous industries.


AI’s digital, dynamic nature conjointly offers opportunities for student engagement that can't be found in...

06.08.20 01:39 PM - Comment(s)
In the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we refer to technology used to do a work  that need some level of intelligence to accomplish. This is where collaboration is required.

Image source :
Companies are using AI to innovate and expand their business more quickly than e...
12.07.20 05:25 PM - Comment(s)
Applicability of AI in education for success
How AI Helps Us Learn and Succeed in School!

Hey there, young learners! Have you ever wondered how technology like AI can make studying easier and more fun? Let's explore how AI, which stands for Artificial Intelligence, can help us in school and lead us to success!

What is AI?

AI is like having a smar...
10.07.20 07:53 AM - Comment(s)