Digital Transformation Academy

AI for business

Blog tagged as AI for business

Learn key skills in the post COVID era to succeed!

20.05.24 04:09 AM By User Account - Comment(s)

There are many challenges in the world today but so are the opportunities. We need to capitalize on all of them, especially in the post covid era. This will make us succeed as everyone is looking for these skills and we all can contribute to this if we become pruductive in these areas.

Creating successful relationship with AI

20.05.24 03:01 AM By User Account - Comment(s)

In today's world, artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. We see it in our smartphones, computers, and even our homes. AI helps us do many things, from finding information online to playing our favorite music. But how do humans and AI work together? Right now, we use AI to help us with specific ...

AI collaboration between humans and the digital world for success!

12.07.20 05:25 PM By User Account - Comment(s)
In the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we refer to technology used to do a work  that need some level of intelligence to accomplish. This is where collaboration is required.

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Companies are using AI to innovate and expand their business more quickly than e...