Digital Transformation Academy


Blog categorized as Social-media

The fancy little Internet of the past has become the biggest force in business today, powerful enough to topple regimes. What was a luxury has become a necessity. 

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The total Internet user base in India is estimated to cross 700 million by 2020; that’s almost two...

24.09.20 01:50 PM - Comment(s)
Do Social Media marketing to form a digital identify and succeed

Social Media: Your Key to Success!

Do you want to be famous and successful when you grow up? Of course you do! One way to make that happen is by using social media. Social media is a way to talk to people online and share things about yourself. It can help you become a star!

What is Social Media?

10.07.20 07:12 AM - Comment(s)
Do you know how businesses get their products or services known to people? One way they do it is through something called social media marketing. Let's explore what it is and how it helps businesses succeed!

08.07.20 11:37 AM - Comment(s)