Digital Transformation Academy


Blog categorized as Innovation

What makes Microsoft different from others and greatly successful ?

06.09.20 07:26 PM By User Account - Comment(s)
Microsoft Products and Services

Microsoft has a profound impact on the tech industry, with many of its services being integral parts of our daily lives. For programmers, GitHub is a go-to platform for collaborating on code, managing projects, and sharing code repositories. LinkedIn, a professional ne...

Change and online success in education dissemination during Covid-19

20.08.20 08:51 AM By User Account - Comment(s)

Nelson Mandela said,  â€œEDUCATION IS THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON WHICH YOU CAN USE TO CHANGE THE WORLD" this is absolutely correct but if the whole world become helpless to giving wings to the students in the form of education, so how can these student change the world. 

Image course : ins...

Covid-19 is changing business in a paradigm shift towards digital success

17.08.20 07:40 AM By User Account - Comment(s)
